MASHAV cooperation with UN Organizations

MASHAV cooperation with UN Organizations

    MASHAV-lsrael Foreign Ministry Center for International Cooperation:Update on cooperation projects with UN organizations and plans for 2008

    A key component in today's concept of international development cooperation - one which finds expression in the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the Millennium Declaration 2000 - is the need for greater coordination and cooperation between the many donors providing development and humanitarian assistance in an attempt to attain maximum efficiency and effectiveness, a process which must be implemented in alignment with the development strategies of partner countries throughout the developing world.

    The Center for International Cooperation (MASHAV), a department in Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs responsible for the design and implementation of Israel's international development program, adheres to the goals set by the international community for greater synergy among donor and partner countries, and strives to work together to realize and impact on country assistance strategies.

    Towards this end, MASHAV has signed agreements in partnership with governments, civil society, international organizations and faith-based Jewish organizations in order to achieve maximum coordination. 

    Recently, MASHAV has placed special emphasis on strengthening ties and developing professional partnerships with UN organizations thereby:

    • Better integrating Israel into the global effort to realize the Millennium Development Goals - which seek to reduce poverty by 2015;
    • Establishing Israel's standing as a qualitative partner in the efforts toward international development and humanitarian assistance;
    • Improving the professional dialogue with the UN and its institutions.

    The following highlights MASHAV's activities vis-à-vis the UN undertaken in 2007, agreements signed, as well as activities planned for 2008:

    1. IOM (International Organization for Migration)

    Activity in Israel:

    • Workshop both in Israel and abroad on the subject of trafficking in people/women specifically designed for Russian-speaking countries of "origin";
    • Seminar in Israel on the subject of immigration and absorption.

    Plans for 2008:

    • Four workshops in Israel on the subject of trafficking in people/women for Russian-speaking countries;
    • Professional training programs in Israel conducted in shelters for battered women.

    2. UNESCO

    Agreement: In 1996, a Program of Cooperation was signed between MASHAV and UNESCO in the area of training and capacity building. In 1998, a program was established whereby UNESCO awards 35 flight grants annually for professionals from developing countries to participate in MASHAV courses in Israel.

    Activity in Israel:

    • Visit of UNESCO Deputy Director-General Marcio Barbosa to Israel in order to participate in the closing ceremony of the International Women's Leadership Conference;
    • UNESCO co-sponsored the International Women's Leadership Conference;
    • Courses - community development, business enterprises, irrigation, the media and democracy, education.

    Activity Abroad:

    • Training course in Nepal on "Early Childhood Education"

    Plans for 2008:

    • Visit of UNESCO's Director-General to Israel and the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation with Israel, which will  include MASHAV programming;
    • Seminar in Israel on "The Use of Media for Social Change"

    3. UNECE (Economic Commission for Europe)

    Description: The work of this organization in the CIS countries, principally in Central Asia, includes promoting the economic condition of women.

    Activity in Israel:

    • Workshop on "Women and the Development of Business Enterprises";
    • Course on "Information and Communications Technologies"

    Plans for 2008:

    • Working with UNECE headquarters in Geneva on forming policies on water and health for developing countries;
    • Two training programs in Israel for the benefit of women, specifically from Central Asia, on "Business Entrepreneurship" and "Information Technologies"

    4. HABITAT

    Agreement: In 2005, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between MASHAV and HABITAT.

    Activity in Israel:

    • Visit of government, civil society and business sector representatives to Israel to design a multi-year program for establishing strategic planning units in important municipalities in Kenya; a pilot program will begin in 2008 in cooperation with the UN's Milennium Cities Initiative;
    • Capacity building program on "Local Economic Development" (Spanish);
    • Capacity building program on "Services Delivery Systems" (English)

    Activity Abroad:

    • Training course in Kenya towards establishing strategic planning units in important municipalities.

    Plans for 2008:

    • Programs on education, community and city development in Kisumu, within the framework of the UN Millennium Cities Initiative;
    • Within the framework of the organization's program for the economic development of Latin America, two courses in Spanish are planned to be held in Israel on the subject of "Small Businesses and Regional Competition"

    5. WHO

    Activity in Israel:

    • Workshop on "Migrant Health" for policy makers healthcare professionals from Russia.

    Plans for 2008:

    • Two-week workshop in Israel for physicians from the Balkans, Euro-Asia and Eastern Europe on the subject of "Emergency Preparedness; an agreement between MASHAV and WHO in this area is likely to be signed;
    • In cooperation with Israel's Ministry of Health, the dispatching of an expert on the subject of "Water and Health" to WHO headquarters in Geneva to prepare a policy for countries in the developing world.

    6. WMO (World Meteorological Organization)

    Agreement: Signed in 1997, for the enrichment of personnel in developing countries, exchanges of academic delegations, counseling, and development projects.

    Activity in Israel:

    • Training course dealing with matters that are of special interest to the developing countries and countries with transitional economies, special emphasis being given to the "Application of Meteorological and Climatic Knowledge in the Planning and Exploitation of Natural Resources"

    Activity Abroad:

    • Courses conducted in Thailand, Turkey, and China.

    Plans for 2008:

    • Course in Israel on "Climate Change: Extreme Weather and Climate Events, Preparedness and Mitigation";
    • Training courses abroad in continuation of those conducted in 2007.

    7. UNITAR (UN Institute for Training and Research)

    Plans for 2008:

    • A program is being planned vis-à-vis the Palestinian Authority on the subject of the empowerment of women and the strengthening of civil society.

    8. UNCCD (UN Convention for Combating Desertification)

    Agreement: None.

    Activity Abroad:

    • A side-event on Israel's achievements in the area of combating desertification and dryland development was conducted within the framework of the COP8 in Madrid.

    Plans for 2008:

    • International workshop in Israel under the sponsorship of the organization;
    • Report on the results of the COP8 side-event within the framework of the UN's CSD16.

    9. UNEP (UN Environment Program)

    Agreement: In 2007, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed with MASHAV geared to strengthen the ability of developing countries and economies-in-transition.  MASHAV committed itself to assist by holding training programs in Israel and abroad, applying the objectives of the Millennium Development Goals.

    Plans for 2008:

    • Conducting a workshop in Israel for decision makers and/or project managers from UNEP.

    10. UNIFEM (UN Development Fund for Women)

    Activity Abroad:

    • Two training courses were held in Ecuador on the subjects of "Advancement of Women Leaders" and "Management and Operating Small and Medium Enterprises for Women"

    Plans for 2008:

    • Capacity building course in Israel for agriculturalists from cuador on "Post Harvest and Vegetable Growing"
    • Seminar in Israel on "Prevention of HIV/AIDS among dolescents" for participants from Africa

    11. UNICEF

    Agreement: Signed in 1948.

    Activity Abroad:

    • Cooperation for the past six years in the area of early childhood education in Myanmar.

    Plans for 2008:

    • Workshop in Israel on "Sex Education and the Preventions of HIV/AIDS" for professionals from Africa;
    • Management and supervision of projects for early childhood education for participants from Guatemala;
    • Training of community caretakers in dealing with young children with HIV/AIDS

    12. DESA (Department for Economic and Social Affairs)

    Activity in Israel:

    • Joint workshop on the subject of Combating Desertification and Development of Drylands.

    Plans for 2008:

    • International seminar on E-gov;
    • Workshop on "Combating Desertification and Dryland Development"

    13. UNDP

    Agreement: Signed in 1996. In addition, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed on 9 November, 2007, between the MASHAV and the UNDP office in Uzbekistan for cooperation on a project for reforming cattle farming in the agricultural sector.

    Activity Abroad:

    • Dispatching a long-term specialist to Uzbekistan;
    • Establishing a model demonstration farm in Uzbekistan and dispatching short-term consultants to the region.

    Plans for 2008:

    • Conducting training courses and field trips in Israel for professionals from Uzbekistan dealing with the technological and organizational aspects of milk production.

    14. UN Millennium Cities Initiative

    Extensive programming on health and water related subjects in the city of Kumasi, Ghana (one of the Millennium Cities).

    Activity in Israel:

    • Training two physicians and two nurses in neonatal care;
    • Participation of the Millennium Cities Coordinator from the Earth Institute in a conference of MASHAV affiliates;
    • Participation of physicians from various Millennium Cities in Africa in the Sackler School of Medicine Program.

    Activity Abroad:

    • Four training and capacity building courses were held on:
      • neonatal emergency situations;
      • infectious diseases;
      • emergency medical care;
      • nutrition and AIDS.

    Plans for 2008:

    • Visit to Israel by the Millennium Cities Coordinator in Ghana;
    • In-country courses on trauma and urgent medical care; urban planning, and community development;
    • Follow-up training courses on infectious diseases, nutrition; and emergency preparedness.

    15. UNHCR

    Plans for 2008:

    • Training of UNHCR physicians on emergency preparedness in Nairobi and/or Dakar;
    • Forming a program in cooperation with together with the UNHCR and HIAS, for the benefit of refugees in Ecuador and Argentina.

    16. DAC (UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination)
    Activity Abroad:

    • In cooperation with the Department for International Organizations and Human Rights, for the first time two Israeli physicians took partin DAC's Induction Course conducted in New Zealand. This allows Israel to be part of the rganization's roster to assist countries in timesof national and regional emergencies and disasters.

    Plans for 2008:

    • The continued participation of Israeli representatives in DAC nduction courses and the dispatching of Israeli physicians to disaster struck regions.